WASHINGTON, March 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On Thursday, March 21, 2024, HUD’s Office of Policy Development & Research (PD&R) will host a hybrid PD&R Quarterly Update on how local governments are innovating to meet community housing needs. As the affordable housing crisis deepens in communities across the country, local leaders are taking innovative steps to increase the supply of affordable housing. From local housing production funds to the development of social housing agencies, these leaders are at the forefront of housing solutions. At this event, we will learn from local leaders about the actions underway in their communities. The first panel will focus on the Housing Production Fund in Montgomery County, Maryland. This bond-financed fund enables the construction of mixed-income housing development, with the local housing authority retaining majority ownership and control throughout the life of the project. The second panel will look at a range of innovative housing production models at both the city and state levels.
Keynote Remarks
- Lauren Lowery, Director of Housing and Community Development, National League of Cities
The Housing Production Fund in Montgomery County
- Richard J. Monocchio, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD (moderator)
- Chelsea Andrews, President and Executive Director, Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County
- Zachary Marks, Senior Vice President, Real Estate, Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County
- Hans Riemer, former At-large Member, Montgomery County (MD) Council
- Paul Williams, Founder and Executive Director, Center for Public Enterprise
State and Local Innovation to Spur Housing Production
- Zachary McRae, Policy Advisor, Office of the Secretary, HUD (moderator)
- Matt Bedsole, Director, Atlanta Housing Innovation Lab
- Alex Lee, Assemblymember for California’s 24th Assembly District
- Stefan Pryor, Secretary of Housing, State of Rhode Island
Please register either to attend the event in person or to view the webcast on the event page here: https://www.huduser.gov/portal/event/quarterlyupdate-registration-March2024.html
We hope you can join PD&R for this discussion on how local governments are innovating to meet community housing needs. We also invite you to participate in the event via social media by following @HUDUSERnews. We’ll be tagging our updates with #PDRUpdate.
Media Contact:
HUD User
SOURCE HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research