SLEEPY HOLLOW, N.Y., Aug. 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Politicians Honor Code and "Take the Pledge" campaign were launched, as Election Day approaches. The pledge for politicians, candidates for public office, and elected representatives is to abide by an honor code and make a public pledge that they will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. The pledge can be found and downloaded at
Michael Doorley, founder of the "Take the Pledge" campaign and keeper of the pledge database, notes many people believe candidates for public office and elected representatives make false and misleading statements. They may use misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information, and tell falsehoods. We know some like, and they know they lie. And these lies are becoming bigger and bolder. They don’t agree on much, other than the other party is lying. This lying is destroying relationships and families, tearing apart communities, and damaging our country, often so that politicians can attain power or enhance their self-interest and self-enrichment.
If a candidate for elected office or an elected representative makes a false or misleading statement or lies to their constituents or to the American people, accountability is unlikely. Instead, they may be rewarded with contributions, party loyalty, media coverage, and possibly getting elected!
Politicians have a First Amendment right to lie to us. They never told us they wouldn’t lie to us, and we, as a country, have never told them not to lie to us—that is, until now. That’s what the pledge does. We must tell them to "Take the Pledge." Doorley explains, "the pledge was modeled after pledges at our federal service academies—West Point, and the Naval, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine academies. If the women and men in our service academies who have or will one day lay down their lives for our country can take a pledge, then so too can candidates for public office and elected representatives." He notes the pledge may not be the final answer, but it is a simple and logical starting point. And he points out that politicians can and will take a pledge because nearly 1,400 of them have taken the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
August is summer recess for Congress, a time for politicians’ grassroots campaigning events, rallies, barbecues, and shaking hands and kissing babies. It is a perfect time for constituents, to ask their candidates and elected representatives to "Take the Pledge." Doorley asks his fellow Americans,"Why would you give your support, contributions, or vote to any candidate or representative who has not taken the pledge?"
Michael Doorley, CPA, was a 35-year financial services executive serving in CFO, CAO, COO, and board positions. He founded, chairs a special interest group and guest lectures on our national debt. His articles on the national debt have appeared in Newsweek, BoardIQ, and New York State’s The CPA Journal.
Contact: Michael Doorley
Phone: 914-816-3100
Twitter: @polithonorcode
SOURCE Take the Pledge Campaign