Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, Las Vegas City Council Candidate for Ward 6, Demands Action Against Predatory Hedge Funds

LAS VEGAS, June 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ —

"Homeownership is the greatest driver of wealth creation, and wealth inequality, in US history. With nameless, faceless hedge funds such as Blackrock stealing the American Dream from residents across Las Vegas, Clark County, and Nevada, its time for elected officials to say enough is enough! Upon my election to the Las Vegas City Council, I will work with first time home buyers, civic leaders, realtors, and small investors in helping bring sanity, equilibrium, and transparency back to the real estate industry. This collaboration will result in fair and equitable access to the housing market for every person looking to purchase property in our fabulous city."

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo

As noted in a recent interview with the Nevada Current, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo’s campaign for Las Vegas City Council is predicated on creating equitable opportunity for every resident living in the city.

A noted champion of fairness as profiled in the Daily Beast, and a believer in the need for robust financial growth, Ms. Ashton-Cirillo understands that housing inequity and inaccessibility is a scourge upon a healthy economic roadmap for both the city and its individual residents.

Knowing that a strong societal fabric is weaved in the love and dedication which begins in every heart and every home, Ms. Ashton-Cirillo is intent on making certain that each person who desires, can own that home.  

Recently BlackRock, a shadowy investment firm, has been found to be purchasing large swaths of homes well above asking price, knowing that they can hold renters hostage once they do so, while also ensuring that individual home purchasers are denied a fair opportunity to buy. 

With a focused and nuanced understanding of real property encumbrances, delinquencies, lending laws, zoning variances, and the housing market, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo is prepared to make certain that the days of corporate behemoths feasting on the collective dreams of Las Vegas will come to a halt.

Furthermore Ms. Ashton-Cirillo guarantees that her time in office will end the incessant predatory practices against the vibrant working, and middle, class residents of Las Vegas which the current incumbent and her crony, grifting friends have allowed to flourish in darkness through the use of special interest political action committees on behalf of corporate clients.

Visit for more information.

Bryan Di Fatta

SOURCE Campaign to Elect Sarah Ashton

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