JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Notepads made to look like top secret documents taken from the home of President Joe Biden have been selling like hotcakes and have been found inside the offices of several congressional republicans.
The “Joe Biden Top Secret Document Notepads” are the brainchild of syndicated radio host Mark Kaye from Jacksonville, Fl. Kaye has been selling the notepads online at www.topsecretnotepad.com since January of this year.
“When we found out Joe Biden was keeping Top Secret documents in an old cardboard box in his garage we just couldn’t believe it,” explains Kaye. “I turned to my producer and said ‘He’s treating them like scrap paper. I bet he uses them to take notes, or write out grocery lists, or doodle!’ That’s how I got the idea for the notepads. Two days later we had a prototype ready to go and began selling them like crazy!”
Each notepad features a “Top Secret” designation, a watermark of Joe Biden in his prized Corvette, and a small ice cream stain in the bottom corner. “The ice cream stain is to prove that these are authentic documents that were once in Joe’s possession,” says Kaye.
In the past few weeks the “Joe Biden Top Secret Notepads” have made their way to several congressional offices on Capitol Hill. Florida Representative Kat Cammack can be seen on Instagram showing off her Top Secret notepad. Representative Mike Waltz sent a note to Kaye saying “I’ll be sure to use them at my next intelligence briefing.”
“That’s my goal!” Says Kaye. “I want to turn on C-SPAN and see my Top Secret notepads at every single committee meeting. After all, if the president thinks he has the right to treat Top Secret documents like scrap paper, so should everyone else.”
Top Secret Document Notepads are available exclusively at www.topsecretnotepad.com.
Mark Kaye
SOURCE Mark Kaye